
Showing posts from February, 2018

Of Course nothing MATTRESS when you're SLEEPING on life

This Blog post will be analyzing the translations below of the first line in the  Kafka's Metamorphosis  book .  The original sentence of the first line is, " Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt." #1: Gregory Samsa woke from uneasy dreams one morning to find himself changed into a giant bug. The first detail I notice about this line is that the diction is very simple and straight forward which makes the quote easy to understand, but is not a good first impression for the author. It also does not give enough explanation or detail to form images in the reader's mind. The only detailed adjectives given are "giant" and "uneasy". There is also a lot of time that would have had to pass between the transformation of a human to a large bug which is not explained in this first sentence which therefore means that this process may be explained throughou

Never Let Me Go ^2

The book Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro is discussed in the blog below!! Continue reading to be informed, and if you need a place to write comments, I got you COVERed. Initially, my eye was drawn to the top right cover on Genesky's post of the boat because it had specifically shown a picture a particularly memorable scene in the book. I thought that it was cool that all the covers are differently designed because it shows how much room the book has for interpretation and design. The two covers below are the books that I intend to compare and contrast in the space below. :) These two images are unique because I feel that the one on the right focuses on a certain scene. When I initially saw the right cover, I thought it was representing the scene where Kathy is listening to the tape and dancing around. Even though Kathy may not have been twirling as fast in the books description, this is the image that I pictured when reading the book. The cover on the left on the