
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Final Countdown

It WAS Junior Year, back when I had long hair Even after asking other seniors, I was still scared With no new friends, would I make any? Would anyone even want to be my study buddy? I found that I had stronger opinions that I knew how to express TOK helped me realize this I found that I liked learning about the body Biology helped me realize I want to be a nurse I found that books can be as eye opening as an ethical movie English helped me realize this I found that music is a lot more than an expression Chorus helped me realize this I found that I don't have to be the best to try my best Church helped me realize this I found that I still hate history History helped me realize this (duh) I found that I cannot physically fall asleep in class Late nights taught me this I found that I only sometimes enjoy solving equations Math taught me this I found that the environment of the classroom affects how teacher