The Final Countdown

It WAS Junior Year, back when I had long hair

Even after asking other seniors, I was still scared

With no new friends, would I make any?

Would anyone even want to be my study buddy?

I found that I had stronger opinions that I knew how to express

TOK helped me realize this

I found that I liked learning about the body

Biology helped me realize I want to be a nurse

I found that books can be as eye opening as an ethical movie

English helped me realize this

I found that music is a lot more than an expression

Chorus helped me realize this

I found that I don't have to be the best to try my best

Church helped me realize this

I found that I still hate history

History helped me realize this (duh)

I found that I cannot physically fall asleep in class

Late nights taught me this

I found that I only sometimes enjoy solving equations

Math taught me this

I found that the environment of the classroom affects how teachers make expectations for themselves

Parenting and Child Development helped me realize this

I found that some people never change

But it doesn't help any more to despise them

I found out how much I am capable of when I don't think I can


When I think I can

Life taught me this

School taught me this

School is our life right now

I WAS taking it for granted

My advice is to: STRIVE to push against this urge

You'll have a lot of voices telling you...

What you should text him

What school you should go to

Who you should go to prom with

When a number actually matters, or when its doesn't 

But listen, how do they know? 

How do I know?

You don't. But you won't lose any points for trying to do what you can.

Write down what your priorities and values are, and keep them.

Thank you for reading <3 ....if you did all the way. I wrote this post 4 different times trying to sum up my feelings, and I'm still not completely satisfied with this because I have so many feelings towards school I could've gone along with, but this is what happened. Love you, bye.




  1. You're my best friend in the whole wide world and I did read the whole thing and I loved it!!! Especially the line about history because you're spitting straight factsssssssss. You're amazing and it's been so awesome to see you grow and even though we only had 1 class together this year as opposed to the 5 from last year it's still been real. You're going to do great things <3


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