
Showing posts from October, 2017

Blog Post #3

The Need For Greed Citation:   “Greed' The Latest Ad of Our 'Seven Sins' Series for Porche.” , Denotative Examination: After the initial viewing of the ad, I examined that there were multiple hooks on a wall with car keys hanging from all of them except for one. The keys have the Porche brand symbol on each of them. Connotative Examination: Next I thought about the deeper meaning behind this ad. I realized that the person who owned all of these keys must be very wealthy because Porches cost a lot of money. I also thought of the last missing key as two things. The owner of those keys could be saving up to get the last key, or the owner of the keys could be out on the road driving the Porche, showing that audience would want to drive them a lot too. Intended Audience:  The viewers would most likely be people of the higher class who spend their money on big investments, su

Blog Post #2

CRANE My full name is Kathryn Crane Wartski, but I go by Kate. The name I would like to focus on is Crane, my middle name. It seems like a random name at first glance or a sly symbolical calling to a type of bird, but in actuality it was passed down to me from my dad, his mom, my grandma's dad, and so forth. Crane is my dad's middle name and it was my grandma's maiden name. My brother inherited the middle name Gould because it was our other grandma's maiden name, and is my mom's middle name. I appreciate my middle name because to me, it signifies the remembrance of my relatives. Since Crane has been passed on for so many generations, it also has rich history behind it. I like to think that my middle name defines a part of me because I have always believed that my grandma and I were very similar. We were alike in our body shape, height, personality, and shared some similar interests. Even though my grandma has passed, she is always in my mind and so for me, Cra