Blog Post #2


My full name is Kathryn Crane Wartski, but I go by Kate. The name I would like to focus on is Crane, my middle name. It seems like a random name at first glance or a sly symbolical calling to a type of bird, but in actuality it was passed down to me from my dad, his mom, my grandma's dad, and so forth. Crane is my dad's middle name and it was my grandma's maiden name. My brother inherited the middle name Gould because it was our other grandma's maiden name, and is my mom's middle name. I appreciate my middle name because to me, it signifies the remembrance of my relatives. Since Crane has been passed on for so many generations, it also has rich history behind it. I like to think that my middle name defines a part of me because I have always believed that my grandma and I were very similar. We were alike in our body shape, height, personality, and shared some similar interests. Even though my grandma has passed, she is always in my mind and so for me, Crane signifies my everlasting relationship with her, no matter what form it may be in. (The picture to the right is of Grammy and I)

The best example I can think of of me being "two" is the "Social Media me" and the "Real Life me". I often feel as though social media accounts are not only not portraying the actual person in the photos, but they are portraying the people that we wish or strive to be. Although I may try to display an account that describes me, there is no way for the account to fully capture the essence of who I am as a person in Real Life. In my eyes, social media accounts are a way for teens to hide behind screens, avoid social contact, and observe other peoples lives. Don't get me wrong, social media can be used in great ways too, but the average person does not take advantage of that possibility. The overarching problem is that I am writing a blog about the problems with social media, everyone discusses it, people post about it, yet we all still cling to our online self-esteem boosters. If there's so much wrong with the "other me" that I'm trying to portray, why do we continue to indulge?

I think the answer lies in each victim portraying these two lives. They may root from addiction, laziness, boredom, popularity contests, and much more. There seems to be a common theme of negativity towards this specific social media example, but this is not the case. This "second me" can also result in widespread movements, inspiration, a healthier lifestyle, societal involvement, informative platforms, and friends. Only you can decide which way you will decide to use or not use your "two lives".

Yours truly,
K-dog (Kate)


  1. I think your post took an interesting route from the transition of your middle name resulting from family ties and then the analysis of your two lives regarding social media. I like the background information you explored about your middle name because with my first name, it is passed on from my mother's first name. I question if I will continue the tradition of passing on that name as I tried to explore that in my blog post. Talking about the two lives aspect was intriguing because I've noticed that in my social media life. I recently deleted my finsta page because I didn't like how easily people shared about their personal lives. I find it troublesome how, over social media, my peers are more comfortable sharing truths or secrets rather than if they were to have a conversation with me and trust enough to share. Lastly, the end of your post is thought provoking because I haven't thought of having "two lives" and that they could have an actual use (or not) if we choose.

  2. I'm jealous that your name has so much familial significance because mine doesn't at all. I really like that it means so much to your relationship with you Grandma. Your second paragraph is really thoughtful and I would agree that there are a lot of problems behind social media and it being a false portrayal of people's lives. I also think it was good to put in there that it is often a self-confidence booster for people because I think that is very accurate.


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