Blog Post #3

The Need For Greed

“Greed' The Latest Ad of Our 'Seven Sins' Series for Porche.”,

Denotative Examination: After the initial viewing of the ad, I examined that there were multiple hooks on a wall with car keys hanging from all of them except for one. The keys have the Porche brand symbol on each of them.

Connotative Examination: Next I thought about the deeper meaning behind this ad. I realized that the person who owned all of these keys must be very wealthy because Porches cost a lot of money. I also thought of the last missing key as two things. The owner of those keys could be saving up to get the last key, or the owner of the keys could be out on the road driving the Porche, showing that audience would want to drive them a lot too.

Intended Audience: The viewers would most likely be people of the higher class who spend their money on big investments, such as cars. The viewer is also mainly middle aged and up because they are the age group with the most money and responsibility with spending habits to be able to afford a fancy car. The audience could also be someone who has knowledge about cars because the ad doesn't specifically say the brand of the car, so someone with knowledgable background would be more intrigued than someone who isn't. 

The author used a plain background to first define the main objective of the ad which was the keys. The keys are most likely lined up in a row so that the viewer and compare them and see how many cars this company has. The article doesn't have anything written on it besides "7 Sins of Strasse" and "No. 5 Greed." These prove that the ad does in fact include one of the 7 deadly sins, but in this context, the "sin" is shown to be a good thing. Something we must strive for. It was smart, in my opinion, for the author to use the 7 deadly sins as a logo because it grabs attention and is something that older viewers (their main audience) would be familiar with. In addition, the placement is aesthetically pleasing to the audience which does not repel viewers.

Though these are all good qualities, the ad also has flaws in amount of information and diversity. Information is lacking in the picture such as the price, the name of the brand, and qualities of the car. This represents the high horse level that the author is on, with the assumption that the viewer doesn't even require factual evidence to by the product. Diversity is an obvious negative aspect because not all people will be able to afford this. Many people may not even know what brand this is, and without a website to inform them where to go, they are unlikely to ever find out.

Yours truly,


  1. I like the visual text used for this blog post. As part of my IB art class we do in depth analysis's of images. Your analysis is very in depth and shows deep understanding. The advertisement, as you mentioned, definitely isn't inclusive of many backgrounds. It focuses on aiming towards those who possess this flaw of greed, which causes them to spend recklessly on items they do not need.

  2. I really like the advertisement that you picked and how you analyzed it. I didn't pick up on how they were trying to say that Greed is a good thing at first but when you talked about it, I totally got it. And I would agree that it is smart to portray Greed as a good thing because many people are naturally greedy, so when someone affirms that feeling with positivity it probably makes people feel better and make them want to buy that company's product. I think that it is also very familiar and recognizable which you mentioned would reach an older audience because they are familiar with the seven deadly sins and I would agree. Your analysis of how the advertisement is lacking is very good and I think spot on.

  3. I think that it is funny that both you and I picked the same advertisement. While our overall analysis was similar, I like how you were very in-depth about why the author may have chosen to add or not to add various parts. I specifically like how you pointed out how this advertisement could potentially be harmful because not everyone can afford a Porche. It brings up a negative connotation for wealthy people because it makes people believe that all they do is care for themselves and not anyone else. Overall, I like how you talked about the range of the audience could potentially be, because it makes it more evident that anyone can view this and interpret it.

  4. I think it's very interesting that you said Greed is a good thing and that can create something for people to strive for. I think that was very interesting. Strangely enough that reminded me something I learned in beller's class (world religions) people within the Hindu Religion tend to think that with time the human condition or humanity deteriorates, so reading your blog made me think what if with time, the 7 deadly sins became something that people actually desired and strive for. I mean we kind begin to see that in the shift of mentality in the new generations. There is this developing mentality that it's ok to be an A-hole and screw people over if in the end I get what I want. I think your blog triggered some real deep thinking for me and now I'm actually really pondering the fate of humanity.

  5. Some good thoughts here-try to go through "the big 5" in your analysis and to include specific devices, techniques, or features to strengthen your argument.


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