
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog Post #5

Play Freebie wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! 2 more days until break!! Yours truly, K-dog

Blog Post #4

Jane Erye  by Charlotte Bronte  is the text I will be analyzing for the following question. 1.  How do the elevated diction and elaborate syntax contrast with the feelings of the narrator in paragraphs 11-12?     Upon reading this question, I realized that I had forgotten what Syntax meant, so I provided the definition, incase you also forgot.      Syntax:  the study of the patterns of formation of sentences and phrases from words.     Firstly, the event occurring in this chapter explains the emotional challenges that Jane faces upon seeing Mr. Brocklehurst. She beings to have a flow of overthinking which she describes with words. Diction is the first concept highly present in these paragraphs because there are a lot of complicated words that I had to look up to understand what she was saying. I think the fact that there were some confusing words, hinders the experience of the reader because I had to read these two small paragraphs many times until I was able to comprehe