Blog Post #4

Jane Erye by Charlotte Bronte is the text I will be analyzing for the following question.

1. How do the elevated diction and elaborate syntax contrast with the feelings of the narrator in paragraphs 11-12?

    Upon reading this question, I realized that I had forgotten what Syntax meant, so I provided the definition, incase you also forgot. 

    Syntax: the study of the patterns of formation of sentences and phrases from words.

    Firstly, the event occurring in this chapter explains the emotional challenges that Jane faces upon seeing Mr. Brocklehurst. She beings to have a flow of overthinking which she describes with words. Diction is the first concept highly present in these paragraphs because there are a lot of complicated words that I had to look up to understand what she was saying. I think the fact that there were some confusing words, hinders the experience of the reader because I had to read these two small paragraphs many times until I was able to comprehend the message. The diction used is very dark and has a negative connotation such as the use of the words/phrases "vicious nature", "villainy", and "repugnance and contempt". These contradict the last sentence which states that she wasn't exposed or in trouble after all. I believe that this was added on purpose so that there would be suspense and a different conclusion than expected. 

     Syntax is another stylistic device used very well in this text. The paragraphs included very long sentences of thought, for example, "He stood at Miss Temple's side; he was speaking low in her ear: I did not doubt he was making disclosures of my villainy; and I watched her eye with painful anxiety, expecting every moment to see its dark orb turn on me a glance of repugnance and contempt." This quote helps the reader feel as though they are inside the mind of Jane because when people panic, they often think in very fast, irrational, and quick sentences. I also noticed that the narrator uses the word "I" many times in each sentence to give her own perspective. I think it would have been interesting to read more than one perspective of this event, but using "I" created a more personal atmosphere. The syntax is contrasting to the feelings of the narrator though because she does not include any strong punctuation such as exclamation marks, and does not capitalize words which may stand out and help the reader capture what is important. If she is so strong hearted about this conflict, I wonder why she wouldn't use exclamation marks to emphasize the panic she is facing. 

     Yours truly,



  1. Great blog post! I liked that you defined syntax because even for people who are familiar with the word it could be a good refresher. I liked that you not only identified that there was negativity within the text but that you also provided evidence for what that was, because for the reader of you analysis that is really helpful. I really liked your second paragraph, about syntax, because it was a great analysis of the syntax and how the sentences were really long because it was a thought of the narrator and you showed how it showed how the narrator felt.

  2. First, I appreciate the definition of syntax. I was pretty sure it was sentence structure, but thanks for looking out for me. I thought your quoted evidence was really good and strongly supported your argument. I also thought your connection between how people feel when they panic and the syntax was very good. I agree with you that another perspective would have been interesting, but I do think that seeing the situation through Jane's eyes is most insightful. Nice post!

  3. I really like the way you structured this post in giving diction and syntax each their own paragraphs and the syntax definition was really helpful :) The part I found most interesting was when you pointed out that the main purpose of the author's chosen syntax and diction style was probably to express the high emotion of the scene (Jane's panicking and dark thoughts). Overall a really good and insightful post, great job!

  4. Awesome blog post Kate. I enjoyed your description of the authors syntax, and how you analyzed the quote you described. I believe the quote supported your analysis well and allowed any reader to better understand your point regarding syntax and the author sharing her opinion and knowledge of the situation. The author's use of I and incorporating opinion stood out to me as well. Overall, this post was very well thought out and I liked reading it.

  5. I forgot too and wasn't about to read this but you gave the definition and i was like just kidding! The in text examples really helped prove your point effectively. I agree that the syntax had an impact on the message the author was trying to pursue. I feel like the words used were equivalent to punctuation because they were strong and bold. Good analysis!


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