Blog Post #6

Image result for everything happens for a reason

I will be answering the question: 3. Do you believe events in your life have been guided by fate or chance? Why or why not? Based on the text, what do you think Shakespeare's attitude was towards fate? Does Macbeth have any choice in his actions or was everything predetermined? Use examples from the text as your support.

I spent almost the first 15 years of my life determining if I believed that the events in my life have always been predetermined or not. One i decided that they were, a lot of things began to make sense in my brain. Like many others, I believe that from the moment our existence has become an idea, God has controlled where our lives would end up. I think that the only thing God doesn't control is whether or not we, as his followers, decide to go down his path, or neglect it to make our own. Therefore, I don't think many things in life are just coincidences; they all happen for a reason. 

Based on the text, I do believe that Shakespeare's attitude was towards fate, because every prophecy that the witches told Macbeth would happen, did. No matter what path the characters took to get to those prophecies, they ultimately always occurred. The witches are the supernatural force that Shakespeare makes that "play God" in making all the decisions of Macbeth's future. In Act 1, Scene 3, the Witches state, "First Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of  Glamis! Second Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! Third Witch: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of hereafter" (Lines 51-53). Not only do the witches tell him his fate, but Macbeth accepts it. In Act 1, Scene 4, Macbeth explains, "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir" (lines 157-159). Even when Macbeth is scared and uncontrollable with the metaphorical "dagger of the mind" (line 50 of Act 2, Scene 1), he manages to kill Duncan, and hire people to kill Banquo. The consequences may come back to Macbeth, but he has no control over the prophecies, they were predetermined and cannot be taken back. Macbeth also states in Act 3, Scene 3 that if he continues in his endeavors, they will have the same amount of consequences as if he stopped, so he decides to continue.

Yours truly,


P.S. Do you really think it was chance that Lady Macbeth saw her dad when she tried to kill Duncan? No! it was fate because Macbeth was bound to do it in the first place.


  1. I thought your blog post was really well done! I thought it was interesting you said that Macbeth not only receives his fate but accepts it too. Maybe try to find other examples within your own life or other stories where you think it was fate over chance to better support your argument. Overall good job!!

  2. Holy Crap your PS was an eye opener thank you for that, the supernatural is totally at work. I am not a strong Christian who goes to church every Sunday but I would say I am an avid Christian who believes that God has control over my life and gives me free will. I agree that there is fate in our lives, but Macbeth totally is controlled by the supernatural in his. You used good, supporting quotes and had some #killer analysis. #impressive

  3. Great blog post! I thought the first paragraph was a very interesting analysis of what fate vs. chance means in your life. I found what you said to be the one main choice in life, to follow God's route or make your own, to be a neat way of putting your ideas. The evidence you used for your claim in the second paragraph was also supported well, that even though the characters went down different paths the prophecy ultimately came true, tied in well with your view on fate. Nice job!

  4. Kate, girl I am totally with you!! I believe God has a plan for us all but its up to us to determine if we will follow his plans or not. We have to make the right choices and take on the opportunities that are given to us when given!! I think your blog showed good examples to why Macbeth life was already predetermined and it was up to him to make the right decisions and to take on the path that was given to him. I liked how you pointed out that the 3 witches represent God, never thought about it like that, thanks for giving me a new perspective! Great Job girly!

  5. I really liked your blog post because it was very similar to mine. Especially with the religious aspect because I too have heard "God has a plan" since they day I was born. My favorite part is how you pointed out that Macbeth was scared to kill, however, did it anyway. This really showed how Macbeth had this path that he played perfectly into. Plus, that P.S. section was sooo accurate and definitely a solid argument! ygg


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