IOC? Or Intentional oral conflict?

Here is a picture of the passage I had which includes the planning to the right of the text and between the lines: 

Heyoooo! So I initially did a voice recording and it was amazing and had a thorough analysis... but I could not upload it on her no matter how hard I tried so I tried it again on this website that could only do around 5 min. at a time so here are the three links to my IOC practice:

Analysis on my analysis on The Handmaids Tale:

A: Knowledge and Understanding of the text or extract- 9

I know that I understood the text, but I could have referenced it more during my analysis of the different quotes to further show my understanding.

B: Understanding of the use and effects of literary devices- 8

I definitely explained how each quotation was relevant, but my literary devices weren't as clear and the effect could have been elaborated more definitively. 

C: Organization- 5

I think the organization of my IOC was organized because my planning time allowed me to write out what I would be talking about during the 8-10 minutes. 

D: Language- 5

I think my language was understandable and comprehensive for the listener to fully understand what I was talking about. 

This IOC definitely wasn't my best practice.. but it is a practice so.. c'mon...




  1. Grace Copeland: My blog also sucked so its okay. But I thought that your planning process was really good and easy to follow. I tried to write down main points and nothing else and I would forget what I was wanting to say, so I'm going to try your planning method for my real IOC. Also, we only have to have 2 main points, but you had 3 which I think will probably help you score better because you were able to point out more things and bring in more quotes and context.

  2. Hi! This was really good! I think you did a great job explaining the elements and major stylistic features. I really liked your organization and structure and I think you seem to deeply understand the text! Overall, this was a really great IOC!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think some of the comments above really express what I want to say as well. I agree with Mrs. G you did a really good job of establishing context and background which I feel the assessors will really appreciate because now they will be able to truly understand what is going on in your text as well as what was going on during that time period :). I think that one mistake people tend to make during their IOC is focusing a lot on the novel as a whole, and personally I would say you did a good job of balancing out both areas. Not too little, not too much. Great job Kate the Great.

  5. Hey girl! SO good. You did a wonderful job in your analysis and going in-depth, you are clear and easy to understand. One thing that I would work on though is your structure and being able to connect, however overall you did so good!

  6. Hey!

    I just realized I posted two different scores...ignore that- this is the actual score.

    A: 6-7
    B: 6
    C: 3
    D: 4

    Nice job with context at the beginning; really calm tone and you settle in to a great way to organize your commentary. Make sure you have a clear statement of purpose for the passage and HOW it is developed- try to use specific techniques or devices (you veer on paraphrasing at times and give a bit more of your opinion than what might be wanted). Also, don't worry about MORE (Grace points this out in her comments)- if you do TWO points well, then that's great!


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